About Star Essence

Star Essence is a company dedicated to creating impeccable vibrational essences. This includes using sacred activated water, exquisite quality flowers and gemstones, intention and attention. Star Essences are made during powerful planetary activations and alignments in energetically powerful places. They address healing as well as evolution, with an ultimate goal of PEACE, within ourselves and on our planet. They are made with love! www.staressence.com

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Making the Olive Essence

Olive Blossoms
by Star Riparetti

Part 11 of the series The Moment of Bloom ~ My Ecstatic Journey Making the Bach Flower Essences in a Golden Bowl 

Now there is a small flower!

I was watching the Olive for weeks, wanting to make sure not to miss it.  It is amazing sometimes how quickly the moment of bloom comes and goes.  I did indeed find it in bloom, and the bees were having a field day.

This particular olive tree was planted from a seedling given to me by my neighbor, Angel, 10 years ago when I bought my land (who is definitely my angel and an angel of the land).  Sure enough, when I went back to look, only a couple of days later, the blossoms were gone and tiny olives were happening.

Olive in the Golden Bowl

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