About Star Essence

Star Essence is a company dedicated to creating impeccable vibrational essences. This includes using sacred activated water, exquisite quality flowers and gemstones, intention and attention. Star Essences are made during powerful planetary activations and alignments in energetically powerful places. They address healing as well as evolution, with an ultimate goal of PEACE, within ourselves and on our planet. They are made with love! www.staressence.com

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Story of the Gold: Freedom/Libertad and 24k Gold

by Star Riparetti

excerpted from Bliss and Blessings: The Divine Alchemy of the Star Flower and Gemstone Essences

24k Gold
 Right after we made [the Freedom/Libertad] essence, I told Roger that I was getting the message that it was supposed to have Gold in it. His immediate response was, "It has to be 24 karat gold."

Shortly after that, in another discussion, I overheard Roger describing to someone this totally pure, spongy-shaped, 24 karat gold that you could get in Puerto Maldanado, which is on the Amazon river. In still another conversation, Roger was debating whether to pick up a group in La Paz or Puerto Maldanado. I said, "If you go to Puerto Maldanado you can pick up the gold for the essence."

"Decision made," he said immediately. "I'm going to Puerto Maldanado."

When he called me on Christmas Day, I asked him if he had gotten the gold for the essence. He said, "Funny thing, the bus broke down right in front of the place where they sell the gold. I went in, bought the gold, came back, and the bus started, and that was it." He had planned to get the gold on the way back. As it turned out there was a storm on the way out and they had to leave at 4 in the morning, and wouldn't have been able to get the gold...

A second piece of the Puerto Maldanado 24 karat gold was used to make the Gold Gemstone Essence in the energy of the Winter Solstice, Dec. 22, 2011 at Star's land, ChaskaNorte in Ojai, CA.

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