About Star Essence

Star Essence is a company dedicated to creating impeccable vibrational essences. This includes using sacred activated water, exquisite quality flowers and gemstones, intention and attention. Star Essences are made during powerful planetary activations and alignments in energetically powerful places. They address healing as well as evolution, with an ultimate goal of PEACE, within ourselves and on our planet. They are made with love! www.staressence.com

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Anchoring Blue Lotus Temple

by Star Riparetti

Growing Blue Lotus
I have been working with the energy of the Blue Lotus for over two years. ("Blue Lotus" was revered in Ancient Egypt- and I promised the botanists I would let you know the Blue Lotus is really a Blue Water Lily, not a true Lotus.) I made the Nymphaea caerulea Blue Lotus/Water Lily essence in August 2014, and that is a magical story in itself.

    First I ordered a Blue Lotus plant, and I made a little pond, and I grew it. I spent that time bonding with it. There was only one plant, and it did make several flowers. The raccoons enjoyed the pond as well as other critters. I wasn’t feeling it was the perfect plant to make an essence from, unless it was just for me.

    Then- everything happened. My dear friend Leah, who is a Star Essence Master Teacher, got permission for us to go to a very special estate that grows lotuses in Santa Barbara and make the essence. The day turned out to be perfect, with us being the only people there, the weather ideal, and LOTS of Blue Lotus in bloom, at their peak. The energy felt like it was off the charts. I had several people holding energy while it was being made.

    It was the same place where we had made the Pink Lotus flower essence, Initiation of the Heartlight, in 1999. It is very nice to take the pink lotus first, to initiate the heart light, and then go on to dive deeply into the Blue Lotus.

     When I made the Blue Lotus/Water Lily essence, which is called Grace of Creation, I knew there was also something called the Blue Lotus Temple. It is the temple inside of us. This inspired the creation of the Blue Lotus Temple Constellation and Spray, a synergistic blend of essences. In addition to the Grace of Creation (Blue Water Lily) essence, it contains Eternal Youth (Epidendrum ibaguense), One Heart (Epidendrum cuscoense), Sacred Union (Maxillaria), Golden Rock Water, and Gold-24K. There is also a Blue Lotus Temple Spray, which contains all of the essences mentioned, plus exquisite pure rose and spice nigrum (black pepper) essential oils. It seems to hum, it is so high vibe!

We are taking essences in a whole new octave. The Blue Lotus Temple feels like an embrace as well as a portal to our own divine nature. It’s a guide. It’s way more. I look forward to hearing your experiences.

I asked my friends Meganne Forbes and Oceanna to collaborate and make a painting of Blue Lotus.
Oceanna drew the geometries of it (as she has done for all of the orchids). We will have prints available soon!

    Recently I went to Chile to teach a two day class and a 1/2 day workshop. The extra exciting thing was that I knew this trip was about more than me teaching: it was about anchoring the Blue Lotus Temple strongly into the grids, so that everyone has access to it. I was assured by spirit that Chile was the place to do this. Beforehand I arranged for friends from all over (as close as Santa Barbara and as far away as Qatar in the Middle East) to be holding energy with me, and using the Blue Lotus Temple essence/spray at the same time as the workshops. I told the beautiful participants in Chile that we were building a light bridge from Chile to the US- and beyond- and anchoring the Blue Lotus Temple. It Happened. The energy in the room was rarified and palpable. We took the Blue Lotus Temple and did a brief meditation (I feel some of us could have stayed in that space all day). I then asked everyone to write one word, or something brief, about their experience, which they shared. I felt so blessed, hearing what happened. One woman saw her mother, whom she had never met. So many people had profound experiences. Meditating with a group is so powerful. I recommend it! The friends elsewhere had equally profound experiences meditating with Blue Lotus Temple and tuning into those of us in Chile.

    I’m feeling so humble and infinitely grateful to all of the people who participated. Here, there, and everywhere. Knowing and unknowing. It was definitely a fiesta of energy.  Here is a photo during one of our dance moments during the class. 

    I recently took the spray to Bhakti Fest in Joshua Tree. 4 days of kirtan/ chanting. As I used the spray with a few people along the way the reactions were always the same. Wow- what was THAT. And- always a comment about how high vibe it feels. 

Blue Lotus Testimonials

Comments from the hearts of participants in the Chile class after anchoring the Blue Lotus.


Illumination, great clarity

Opening up to the energy from my center

And from there, create light, peace, colors, life

Iluminacion, gran claridad

Aperatura hacia la energia de mi centro

Y  de ahi, crear luz, paz, colores, vida
- Alejandra Coromina Figuerra

All is well in my world here inside my heart

That which is outside does not exist

It is false

It is an illusion
Todo esta bien en mi mundo aqui adentro en el Corazon,

Lo de afuera no existe

Es falso

Es una illusion
- Daniela Barrientos

Light, Clarity, Magnificence, Greatness

Great things from another place!
Luz, Claridad, Magnificencia, Grandeza
- Fernanda Delgado

It touches you inside

Like very delicate fingers that embrace your interior light

And then opens to be a bridge of light with the Creator

Inside you a being of light awaits you
Su interior te toca

Como dedos muy delicados

Que abrazan tu luz interior

Para luego abrirse y se un Puente de luz con el creador

En su interior hay un ser de luz que te espera
- Valeria Farias

Infinite love

Open your heart

The petals of love

You discover yourself and the world like you
El infinito amor

Abrir el Corazon

Los petalos de amor

Te descubres a ti y a todo tu mundo semejante
- Macarena Neira V.

Thank you, Star.

I could feel the power of the synchronicity and the perfection of life.

Everything is in its place and all has an order to happen and that makes me feel in peace.

Gratitude and blessings was what I felt.

Thank you for being you.
- Analise Rukine

I feel  the lotus in the middle of my heart

And bright the light of my soul with the light of all of us.

I can feel  there is only one

And it is possible on the earth in these times to feel it whenever you want

With only closing my eyes
- Consuelo Muñoz de la Vega

Open yourself to infinite love

I saw light, as if I was in the middle or center of the flower

I felt the Universe in myself

And me in it

I saw the center of the flower, all blue

The main message was to open myself to infinity
- Daniela Selane
That I and all beings be happy

Universal  Love

Fraternal Embrace

Divine Light
Que yo y todos los seres seamos felices

Amor universal

Abrazo fraterno

Luz Divina
- anonymous

When the dizziness passed, I was left with the sweetness, tranquil , serene
Cuando paso el mareo, quedo la dulzura, tranquila, serena
- Teresa

During the meditation I felt ardor at a physical  level  at the top of my stomach and throat.

When I saw the images of the flower, I imagined a reunion of angels with all their wings leaning together

As a reverence to God

It made me feel that we all need to revere and praise God
Durante la meditacion, senti un a nivel fisico un ardor a la altura del estomago y garganta.

Cuando vi las imagenes de la flor, me imagine una reunion de angles con alas todos juntos,

Inclinados a una reverencia hacia Dios. Me hizo sentir de que todos necitamos reverencias y alabrarlo
- Karina Alcantar F.

Constancy and perseverance will take you to the fruits of love.
La constancia y perseverancia te llevaran a los frutos del amor
- Alejandra Fernandez

Blooms the Heart of Consciousness

From the heart the light of consciousness opens and expands to the cosmos

A loving, ascending energy, so powerful it elevates our soul.
Florece  el Corazon de la Consciencia

Desde el Corazon se abre y expande la luz de la cosciencia hacia el cosmos, una energia amorosa ascendente, ponderosa que eleva nuestra alma.
- Francia Becerra

The Great Spirit lives in me

Blue lotus to recuperate

Fragments of our soul

To complete us
El gran espiritu vive en mi

Loto azul para recuperar

Fragmentos de nuestra alma

Para completer-nos
- Tamyn Guerrero B.

With the Blue Lotus, I felt protection, embrace, caresses

I felt like I was inside of it, “floating on a cloud” so softly

I felt happy looking at the filaments moving and all the light and color could be felt

I felt like a happy child, protected from the entire outside world.

I felt self-forgiven, with no guilt

Words: Protection, love, welcome, pardon, happiness, purpose in life
Con el loto azul, senti proteccion, abrazo, caricias

Senti estar dentro de el, “rescostada en una nube”  muy suave

Me senti feliz mirando sus filamentos moverse y mucha luz y color se sentia

Me senti como un niño alegre, protegida de todo el mundo exterior

Senti que me auto perdonaba, no tenia culpas

Palabras : Proteccion, amor, acoger, perdon, felicidad y proposito en la vida
- Marcela Rodriguez

Inner wisdom, personal certainty in communion with the Divine

Connection with Pachamama, Gaia, mystical and feminine energy
Sabiduria interna, certeza personal en comunion con lo divino

Conexion con la pachamama, Gaia, energia mistica y feminine
- Constanza Maige S.

Blue Lotus

This is my interior temple

Where I connect with my knowledge, my power

I had the feeling of my fingers together in the form of a dome

To fulfill the promise when I was young

That connection and visions through Spirit were promised

Thank you thank you thank you
Loto Azul

Este es mi templo interior

Donde yo me conecto con mi conocimiento, con mi poder

Tiene sentido juntar los dedos en forma de cupula

Para se cumple la promesa de cuando eras joven

Que te prometi coneccion y visions por medio del espiritu

Gracias gracias gracias
- anonymous

Opening of the hearts

To melt our EGOS and no longer need defense mechanisms

Committed to work with others for the common good
Apertura de los corazones

Para poder derretir nuestros EGOS y ya no necesitar mecanismos de defense

Trabajar comprometidos con los otros por el bien comun
- Fernanda Gonzalez Valenzuela

Experienced an incredible emotion

I felt I was floating, wrapped in a golden light

The earth was below and it looked like love
Experimente una emocion increible

Me senti flotando envuelta en una luz dorada

La tierra estaba abajo yo veia como el amor
- Marieccia Bolton

Monday, April 6, 2015

Star of Bethlehem and Rock Water to the Rescue

"Essences of the Month" by Arielle Christner, April 2015

The timeliness of new essences here at Star Essence never ceases to amaze me. That magical and quintessential "moment of bloom" that Star speaks about relates to seasons and cycles far above and beyond the physical world. Whether it's a flower, a gemstone, or another vibrational offering, it always seems to show up in perfect divine timing when its gifts are of heightened relevance and value, both collectively and personally. (For "energetic forecasts" of upcoming/incoming frequencies and themes, we could often watch the essence producers of the world just as effectively as the astrologers, channels, psychics etc.!)

    The new Golden Bach Flower Essences Star of Bethlehem and Rock Water were an especially prime example of this. Having the honor of preserving the Mother essences and collaborating with Star on the descriptive information, I had tuned in and immediately resonated with their gifts on a personal emotional level. So when I was guided to take a bottle of Star of Bethlehem home over the weekend, and add Rock Water to that same bottle, I assumed it was for my own process.
    The next afternoon while at his restaurant management job, my soul partner Marlon cut his hand deeply on a broken champagne glass and had to have stitches. We were waiting for over 2 hours to be seen by a doctor, and initially he was very agitated and upset- not just from pain, but anger and sadness that it had happened and concern about his hand’s mobility, as he is a guitarist and would be starting classes at Musician's Institute in less than 2 weeks.

    I administered drops of the Star of Bethlehem/Rock Water essence to both of us every 15 minutes, in addition to some Reiki energy healing. Within a very short amount of time Marlon completely calmed down and felt peaceful and optimistic about the outcome of his injury (Star of Bethlehem). Though he had been planning a rigorous schedule of guitar practice, he was able to let go of these high expectations of himself and trust that recuperation time would not impact his ability to perform in his classes (Rock Water). By the time we got into the exam room he was joking around with the nurses and doctor. I continued to give him more of the essences throughout the examination and treatment, and he maintained an excellent sense of humor throughout the whole thing and was in high spirits for the rest of the day. He also had extremely minimal pain or discomfort and was back on the guitar within a week!

    We are both deeply grateful that the injury was so minor, and that we had Star of Bethlehem/Rock Water to support us. The bottle I made of these essences has already needed refilling a couple of times and we continue to utilize it daily! It has additionally been of immense value seeing us through some shocking but ultimately positive changes and events in our extended family.

    I will be carrying these beautiful allies with me for some time!

As Within, So Without... As Above, So Below

"Education Corner" by Kristine Marie, April 2015

Copyright Isabelle Dow
When I was a teenager I was fascinated by the metaphor of the hologram; that no matter how many pieces you break it into or how small each piece is, there can be seen, in each fragment of the original whole, an image of that whole. Around this same time, one of my favorite high school teachers, Mr Roche, showed us how to turn over the hand we were using to point the finger of blame at someone else in order to see the 3 fingers there pointing to ourselves. Wow.

    These 2 metaphors do so much to help us take responsibility for our own personal environments, internal and external, before sending judgment and anger outward to others. Where, in our own lives are we careless with the thoughts and words we put out about others, releasing thought pollution into the environment? Where are we sending negative energy out that weakens our own ozone layer (aura)? What emotions are we refusing to love, embrace and process and instead dumping them into a collective ocean of unconsciousness?

    We are of the earth, we are an integral part of her and what we do and feel and heal, so does she.

    For those in the Santa Barbara area, I am offering an event on Earth Day called “Heal Your Self and Heal the Earth with Vibrational Essences.” This playshop will offer tools that will help us each take responsibility for our personal Global Climate Change, raise our own resonance and therefore assist with the transformation process of the Earth. Look more for information soon at www.facebook.com/staressenceremedies or call (805) 965-1619.

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Art of Synchronicity

"Education Corner" by Kristine Marie, March 2015


“Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.”

- Carl Jung

It is said that Paracelsus, a physician and Alchemist from the turn of the 16th century collected dew from flowers to heal emotional disharmony in his patients. I’ve seen a film where indigenous peoples of the rainforest offer dew from plants and flowers to modern westerners who come to them for healing. While Dr Bach trained in Public Health and had a successful career in Homeopathy, he left it behind in 1930, at age 43, to research an even more subtle yet powerful healing modality. Our modern definition of Flower essences comes from his work of initially collecting the dew from the petals of flowers he felt supportive of emotional and thought transformation; eventually he found he needed more liquid and experimented with flowers floating in water in the sunshine. How did he happen to notice that emotional states created by thought patterns, had anything at all to do with illness in the body? What led him, I wonder, to hold his hand over a flower while he was feeling a certain emotion and notice the difference it imparted to his thoughts and feeling of well-being?

    In a seemingly well known anecdote, Dr. Bach had a patient who was suffering from an acute attack of asthma. It turned out that her son had moved away and she hadn’t heard from him. When her son finally got in touch with her, a few months of continued asthma symptoms later, to tell her he had a job and was doing well, her asthma disappeared.

    Coincidence? Synchronicity?

    According to Wikipedia, “Synchronicity is the occurrence of two or more events that appear to be meaningfully related but not causally related. Synchronicity holds that such events are "meaningful coincidences". The concept of synchronicity was first defined by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, in the 1920s.”

    He coined the term as a direct result of working with a patient, at an impasse in her healing process, who had dreamt of a gold scarab the night before her session and had an emotional breakthrough when a golden scarab (not at all usual for that place or climate) flew into the office and made itself known.

    In Star’s book Bliss and Blessings, she has an entire section on Synchronicities and she speaks about them in her Online Practitioner Certification Course as well. Synchronicity has a strong hand in the world of flower essences.

    As I was pondering what to write for this month’s Starry Starry News, the word "Synchronicity" popped into my mind. That’s silly, I thought, how does Synchronicity fit into the education section of a spring-y March newsletter? I dismissed it and then went on to re-read my post from last month. And lo and behold, the first thing I noticed is the date that very first blog I ever wrote for Star Essence was published, which was February 3, 2015: which happened to be my 45th birthday! OK, I get it, Synchronicity it is.

    My Journey to working here at Star Essence began with the end of a job I loved, at a graduate school of Jungian and Depth Psychology. It was an unexpected liberation from a self-inflicted grind so all encompassing that when my grip on it was freed all I could do was look at my hands in wonderment at the process of letting go, of surrender.

    Later that week I was offered some Prosperity Alchemy Spray at my Dentist's office and as I was scared silly about my financial situation, I decided to act prosperous anyway and buy it with the wish that it would support me through the changes and allow me to have faith in the abundance of the Universe. The gal in the office who sold it to me (who just happened to be related to Star) asked me if I knew Star, in fact assumed I knew her. Then other people started asking if I knew Star, and making the same assumption. After the 3rd person said to me "You know Star, right?", I decided I was going to go and meet her. (I usually get the Universe's hints by the 3rd occurrence if not by the second ;)

    So I went down to the Star Essence office here in Santa Barbara, which led to a part time job/internship which introduced me to Star and her incredible essences, and supported me on further journeys towards what I feel is my purpose and calling!

    And speaking of calling, while in the midst of writing this blog, the Essence of the Month was announced and so I looked up the definition for the Golden Bach Wild Oat on the Star Essence website, which reads as: Clearly knowing and able to make decisions about life purpose and direction. Manifesting meaningful and fulfilling vocation, service.

    The first time I walked into the Star Essence office the energy felt very bustling and busy so I introduced myself, made a little paper shot glass of essences at the Star Bar (pretty sure I remember choosing Divine Goddess, Radiant Sensuality, Prosperity Alchemy and Soul Purpose) and went on my way. The neighborhood that Star Essence is in, here in Santa Barbara, was always a place I had wanted to live, and about a block away there was a great deal for an apartment, indicated by a "For Rent" sign planted in the front yard. I knew of these magic apartments because of an acquaintance who lived in the building and told me, months before, they very rarely come about. As I had just lost my job I had immediately dismissed the idea of being able to move, so I passed it up. That was Friday, by Monday morning I realized I was crazy to give up the opportunity to live there and went back. The sign, of course, was gone with the apartment.

    So, instead, I felt myself compelled to return to Star Essence, and as I did so I had the thought of asking them if they needed any help in their office. Actually, it wasn't a thought, it was a push, at least that's what I felt as I walked through the gate and into the office: Ask them, Ask them, Ask them! I interrupted a meeting/conversation between Aanjelae, the office Goddess extraordinaire and Star, whom I had yet to meet and who slipped away to other work upstairs as I walked in. When I asked the question, Aanjelae gave me the requirements and details of the job and it fit perfectly for my needs; so after she spoke with Star, I was hired. It turns out the conversation I interrupted was basically about getting someone in to help out as soon as possible. Ha ha ha :)

    So many Synchronicities to get me into the office. How well my job history actually fit into what was needed, the timing, and effortlessness. I had already planned to attend a week-long workshop at Esalen the week after I started, so I worked for a week, went to the workshop (where I met people who eventually led me to my 3 journeys to South Africa in 2012 and 2013 which you will hear about in future blogs) and returned to attend my first Star Essence Certification Course. Perfectly timed and orchestrated by the Universe, and following the flow of my own heart and intuition, following what I love.

    I am currently embracing the LAW OF LOVE and am SO GRATEFUL for SYNCHRONICITY. Trusting that the Universe, through my own heart, knows me and always leads me, via synchronicities and serendipities and “coincidences” towards what I want and need better than my little (albeit hardworking and intelligent) analytical mind could ever possibly plan or imagine. Learning to surrender, has been the most wonderful (and occasionally excruciating) thing I've ever done. Asking that brilliant organizer to let go, to trust, to allow; to surrender its plans ideas, intentions wants and desires in order to LOVE, to see clearly with my heart, has been, and continues to be POWERFUL. And funnily enough everything I ever thought I wanted, needed, desired, intended to make happen is now happening, or not, and I'm happy regardless. How the heck did that happen!

    One last Synchronicity, as I was looking up Jung’s Synchronicity quote, the following quote caught me and wouldn't let me pass it by:

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

- Carl Jung

    So, I trust if you are reading this that you are also taking your essences; this month add in some Wild Oat if it resonates for you. And please, remember to look inside and ask guidance from your heart, even if your mind doesn’t quite understand where you're going. It will all become clear eventually!

    If you have remembered some of your own Synchronicities regarding how you found Star Essences or finding your own purpose, and are feeling INSPIRED, please POST A COMMENT BELOW! We would LOVE to hear from you. And I promise to answer :)